
Quick workaround for PyQGIS error “file is not a directory” when saving files

This error is especially common when you are re-running a code you have already ran in the past. Sometimes, as I am coding, I run an incomplete version of my code, just to know if the compiler/interpreter accuses any errors. The codes frequently include open and saving items. I thought that the mentioned file would be overwritten every time I ran a file saving in the QGIS Python Console.

Solved: QGIS 3.20 Python Console shows an error when running Clip Vector by Extent tool

ERROR 1: Attempt to write non-multipoint (POINT) geometry to multipoint shapefile. ERROR 1: Unable to write feature 0 from layer points_layer. ERROR 1: Terminating translation prematurely after failed translation of layer points_layer (use -skipfailures to skip errors)

Solved: GDAL accuses no free disk space when there is plenty

[SOLVED] ERROR 3: Free disk space available is 85802630536 bytes, whereas 730874237760027488 are at least necessary. You can disable this check by defining the CHECK_DISK_FREE_SPACE configuration option to FALSE.